How do you strengthen immune defences today in the covid-19 era?Know about how we can boost our immunity so that our body can effectively fight back if we do get exposed to the virus. We can do this by…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
What type of food should we eat to increase our stamina?Stamina or endurance is the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time. To increase stamina you…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
What should be included in a regular diet to increase immunity?Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself from ‘foreign bodies’. This means rejecting infections, clearing up dust that gets in…Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
What is the best daily diet for a healthy heart?Our super busy life and lengthy schedule make it hard to keep our heart healthy. But don’t worry here are some food you can consume daily…Mar 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021
What are the best anti-ageing foods?Ageing is the natural phenomena of the human body and one cannot be free with it, but there are some natural herbs or say food by which we…Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
The best diet for healthy living!Diet plays an important role in making a person healthy and immunized from all the diseases.Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
How can anyone increase the immunity of their body?According to WHO, the meaning of Health is, “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of…Oct 15, 2020Oct 15, 2020
How can improve your immunity with home remedies in this corona period?With the spread of COVID-19 people have started giving priority to health and the only way one can get healthy is through natural…Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020
How does anyone live a healthy long life?To live happily and healthy for longer is what everyone wants in their life but are not able to achieve it by their maladaptive behaviours…Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020